Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Sketchup 3 - Key Chain: 3D Warehouse

This is my 3D Warehouse key chain of an Audi R8
I added spokes to the rims of the wheels to connect the key chain to the car so the car wouldn't be disconnected from the actually key chain

Makerbot of the key chain
                                                                         LINK TO STL FILE

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sketchup 2 - Key Chain: Design

Supreme Old English Box Logo Keychain

Makerbot of the keychain

I based my key chain off this, the Supreme box logo, one of the most iconic brands out there and is very sought after. It is very well known in the streetwear/designer clothing industry.

I based the font of this font called the "Old English" font, one of the many designs that Supreme uses and this is one of my favorites fonts/designs of the Supreme logo.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Photoshop Frame Animation 7: Lobster Vasectomy

Started the project: these 2 characters (lobster + guy) will be the stars of the animation

Made frames from layers
I made the background move to the left by tweening it

I made 3 copies of him  to tween him to move

Started to puppet warp him

I tweened him to walk across the scene

I made him move across the scene by hiding/showing a different layer each time and made it look like her is walking across the scence

I added the lobster to the scene

I added some layer effects to the lobster
I made him grab the lobster and run out the scene
I made him run by tweening the frames and like the bird animation, I made the background move the way he was running

I puppet warped the lobster to have it pinch the guy

Puppet warped the guy to fall

I made a second guy and made 3 copies of him to puppet warp him to walk

Added the text bubble to finish it off

Monday, May 15, 2017

Friday Post May 12 - Frame Animation

1. Create heart shape

2. Choose the "blending option" button and make sure your numbers are set to these exact ones

3. Make sure all of these are turned on

4. Make sure the position is set to "outside". This is crucial because it will not show if it is "inside".

5. Make all your settings the same as these numbers

6. Your heart should have all sorts of new effects on  it. (and it should be red lmao)

7. Create your FRAME animation now

8. Make all your layers into frames and make the heart beat by tweening the slides

9. To tween frames, shift click 2 frames and choose these setting. You can make the "frames to add" more if you would like because the more frames, the more smooth the animation will be but for this prioject, you only need 3. For the next frame after the first 3 frames, make the stroke lower everytime to give it the beating effect.
10. Add the rib cage to your heart, make sure it is transparent

11. Add the back ground to your heart to replace the white background

Finished Beating Heart Frame Animation